Yunhao Zhang (张云昊)

Ph.D. in Computer Science, Cornell University

Email: yz2327 (at) cornell (dot) edu

I have left Cornell and joined the Firedancer team at Jump Crypto.
I envision a future where every student from any college or university around the world can read all the code of an operating system.


I completed my Ph.D. at Cornell University with dissertation Ordered Consensus with Equal Opportunity, advised by Professor Lorenzo Alvisi. I also collaborated with Professor Robbert van Renesse at Cornell and Dr. Lidong Zhou from Microsoft Research, among others.

I worked at Lacework in the summer of 2021, mentored by Dr. Úlfar Erlingsson. From 2015 to 2017, I was advised by Professor Rong Chen and Professor Haibo Chen at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

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