Yunhao Zhang (张云昊)

Ph.D. in Computer Science, Cornell University

Email: yz2327 (at) cornell (dot) edu

I have left Cornell and joined the Firedancer team at Jump Crypto.
I envision a future where every student from any college or university around the world can read all the code of an operating system.


I completed my Ph.D. at Cornell with dissertation Ordered Consensus with Equal Opportunity, advised by Professor Lorenzo Alvisi. My dissertation is also collaborated with Professor Robbert van Renesse from Cornell and Dr. Lidong Zhou from Microsoft Research, among others.

I worked in the architecture team at Lacework in the summer of 2021, mentored by Dr. Úlfar Erlingsson. I was advised by Professor Rong Chen and Professor Haibo Chen at IPADS from 2015 to 2017, working on stream processing and RDMA-based systems.

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